They can also download their favorite titles and access them offline on the Magzter app. Once the Microsoft Rewards users claim the Magzter GOLD free trial or subscribe to it, Microsoft Rewards members can enjoy unlimited reading on the Magzter website, iOS and Android apps. New users can join the Microsoft Rewards program through and get a month of free GOLD membership and existing Microsoft Rewards users can login at to redeem their rewards points for Magzter GOLD Subscription. This is the first a subscription service available as part of Microsoft Rewards, which includes retail gift cards and over 1.4M non-profits to donate to through their Give with Bing program. With Magzter GOLD, users can access thousands of magazines and newspapers across 40+ exciting categories including gaming, automotive, business, comics, entertainment, fashion, health, lifestyle, news, politics, science, sports, technology and travel.
who signs up for Microsoft Rewards via Magzter can receive an offer for a free month of Magzter GOLD. Now, Microsoft Rewards members can subscribe to Magzter GOLD with just 3,000 Microsoft Rewards points a month. New York, New York - Magzter, the World’s largest digital newsstand, is launching a new offer for Microsoft Rewards members in the U.S.